We’re celebrating black heroes who made history, and I want to introduce you to Augustine, who was by far the most scholarly and influential of all the church fathers. For centuries church fathers, anointed men of erudition, have sculpted the development of the Christian faith and have postulated ways to articulate the deep and intricate truths of Christian theology.
The thought and contribution of Augustine became the theological foundation for the Protestant Reformation as well as contemporary Reformed Calvinistic theology.
The greater majority of his doctrinal opinions have stood the test of time and the scrutiny of many theologians throughout the annals of theological history. Upon observing his life experience through the lens of his Confessions, one can easily see his strong view of the grace of God. The thought and contribution of Augustine became the theological foundation for the Protestant Reformation as well as contemporary Reformed Calvinistic theology.
He is known as the Father of Theologians and also referred to as the “father of orthodox theology.”
Augustine’s words and thoughts are studied in Bible schools and seminaries. He is known as the Father of Theologians and also referred to as the “father of orthodox theology.” However, it is often left out that he was not only African, but was most probably also black. We know this because his mother, Monica, was a Berber, and Berbers were a group of dark-skinned people belonging to the vicinity of Carthage. We should celebrate Augustine for his lasting theological work that transformed and shaped Christianity.
I recall a time when I had some serious ant hills on my front lawn. As these ants served their queen, they built mounds on my lawn, turning a once-green lawn into a place of foreign habitation. They were building their own kingdom on my lawn, so I needed to address their presence. If I didn’t...
Everybody needs someone to help them navigate through their life. Timothy had the best of mentors in the apostle Paul, who wrote two letters to encourage him in his life and ministry. During his missionary journeys, Paul had left Timothy behind in Ephesus so that he could grow the ministry that...