Facing the Truth

Facing the Truth

How blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways.
– Psalm 128:1

Many of the struggles we face come as a result of something we learned as children. For example, think about how children develop insecurities. Many don’t know whether they will be living in another place tomorrow. They don’t know whether they’ll receive the love they crave or be pushed aside and ignored.

These doubts and fears have fueled many fires of emotional frustration in children’s lives and have created damaging uncertainty as they reach adulthood.

When Christ is no longer the central focus of your affections as a parent, your family will suffer. God has a plan for your family. He wants to give each person a future that’s brimming with hope, but this requires making Him Lord of your life and especially of your family.

It’s wonderful to go to church together to sing and worship the Lord. But it’s even better to know that you’re living in the light of His love and that you’ve made a commitment to one another and, more importantly, to God.

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