Portrait of a Christian Family

Portrait of a Christian Family

The Lord bless you from Zion, and may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life.
Psalm 128:5

Statistics tell us that more than half the couples that get married today will also get divorced. For the African-American community, this figure is even more sobering. More than 70 percent of our children will grow up in broken homes, usually without a father.

We quickly see why the subject of the family is so important. God created us to be a part of a family. We are His children—members of His family—and our home is not broken. You and I are loved unconditionally. God’s love for us is eternal. It does not change and will not fade.

God's love for us is eternal. It does not change and will not fade. Click To Tweet

Regardless of whether you’re married, single, divorced, or widowed, God is your heavenly Father, and He has promised never to leave you. This truth should add a tremendous amount of security to your life, especially when you live devoted to Him and not to yourself.

Sadly, when couples put their own interests ahead of their vows to God and their love for one another, something is bound to give, and it usually is their marriage. It falls apart, leaving deep feelings of resentment and sorrow.

When people don’t feel loved, their hearts can be filled with a deep sorrow that often leads to anger and behavior that hurts themselves or others. How can you help? It all begins with unconditional love—God’s love poured into you and poured out to those around you.

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