Focus on God’s Plan

He brought us forth by the word of truth, so we would be a kind of first fruits among His creatures. – James 1:18

To overcome temptation, the third and final element we must focus on is God’s plan. James 1:18 refers to believers as the “first fruits” among God’s creatures. First fruits are of utmost value. In the Old Testament, the first fruits refer to the tithe to bring to the Lord. The first 10 percent of what was harvested went to Him.

Giving the first fruits to God demonstrates His priority because He receives the best portion. Here, God says in His Word that we are the first fruits of His creation. You are His first fruits. Nothing God ever made is more important to Him than His saints, His people—you!

God has mighty plans for you, and you shouldn’t let the devil persuade you otherwise. To believe the devil’s lies is to live beneath what God has in store for you. If you want your actions to change, you need to believe the truth that you are special to God. That will impact the way you live and the decisions you make. You will want to please and obey Him. You will discover the power to live out destiny God has ordained for you.

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