Maturity Is a Process

He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. – Philippians 1:6

God’s goal for all of us is Christlikeness, or spiritual maturity. When He saved you, He put everything necessary for this process inside you. But maturity takes time. Growing up and becoming a spiritual adult is a process, not a single event.

Attaining spiritual adulthood is the process of God training us to consistently live from the perspective of the Spirit rather than the perspective of the flesh. Maturity in Christ includes looking at and reacting to things from a spiritual perspective, not through the eyes of the natural man. God wants us to get to this place of maturity, to live as we were created to. But many of us are not yet living the Christlike life, which means we are still immature. If we’re living like that, we’re children, tossed here and there by every new bump, trial, or temptation that comes along.

Becoming a mature believer takes time. You don’t become mature overnight. A baby doesn’t hop, skip, and jump into adulthood. The Bible tells us that becoming mature is a process.

This maturing process will continue for the rest of your natural life, but you can learn to consistently respond to things from a spiritual perspective.

Give God time and trust Him for the maturing process at work in you.

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