Hope for Halftime

Halftime [in football] is a time to evaluate how things have been going and to decide what adjustments need to be made for the rest of the game.
The first half of any football game is important, but it is not determinative. Numerous teams over the years were ahead at halftime only to eventually lose the game. And numerous teams were losing at halftime, but by the time the game ended, they had turned things around. Until the final whistle is blown, the game is still up for grabs.
The same is true in life. You might be in your first or second quarter or heading into halftime, but if you are still here, the game of life is not over. Your clock is still ticking. There is plenty of life yet to live. Not only that, but your first half doesn’t have to determine the outcome of the game.
Maybe you’ve made mistakes and poor decisions; perhaps you’ve experienced many disappointments and failures. But you are still here. And as long as you’re still here, the whistle has not blown and it is not too late for God to take you straight to the plan he has for you.
Adapted from God’s Unlikely Path to Success by Tony Evans (Harvest House, 2012) by permission. All rights reserved by the copyright holder and/or the publisher. May not be reproduced.

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