Feeding the Hunger

Feeding the Hunger

Many people come to church Sunday after Sunday to be pacified. They want enough to make them feel like they’ve gotten something, only to discover all week long that they are still hungry. They look for this pacification in a service, song or sermon only to wise up to the hunger still within. Sure, they got something that gave them the impression that it was the real thing, but they soon realize that something else is still missing. They do not sense the nutritional value that they expected to be passed on to them.

Am I Being Transformed?

Am I Being Transformed?

How do you know when you are truly getting to know God and being transformed by Him? As you get to know God, you should experience a life change. Essentially, the proof that you are getting to know God more intimately and personally is that you are transformed both internally and externally. Thus, if you are not changing, you are not getting to know God. Rather, you have adopted a program, plan, thesis or theory instead of a personal pursuit of Him.

Setting Aside Time

Setting Aside Time

How do you feel when you set out to spend some time with someone you care about and they make it a point to say, “See this phone? I’m turning it off so that I can focus entirely on you and on us and on what we are doing right now.” That action no doubt causes you to feel cherished, valued and loved.