Respect for Family is Respect for God

Respect for Family is Respect for God

In our culture, there is a lack of respect for authority. Nowhere is this better evidenced than in the family—the most basic and foundational unit of our society. Instead of parents guiding, teaching their children, and telling them what to do, it’s the children who rule the roost in many homes. The kids call the shots, and the family structure suffers for it.

There is a fascinating story in Scripture that describes the serious consequences for disrespecting authority. In 2 Kings 2, Elisha was walking down the road when some young boys “came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, ‘Go up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead!’” (v. 23). Elisha looked behind him, saw them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the forest and killed 42 of the boys (v. 24). Disrespect brought death in this example. Disrespect is a serious matter that can lead down a path of destruction.

Respect for parents indicates respect for godly authority. Click To Tweet

In contrast, respect for parents indicates respect for godly authority. When we teach our children to obey, we are looking out for their best interests, as well as keeping them in line with God’s commands. If we show them what it looks like to respect and obey God in our own lives, they can understand the correlation and respond to God with the same obedience and respect that we have modeled.

As we consider what it means to be a godly family, let’s unite in prayer for their preservation and prosperity.

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