Storm Warning

Storm Warning

The Bible has a lot to say about storms. Sometimes it is talking about literal storms, where the weather is fearsome and seems out of control. More often, though, when the Bible speaks of a storm it is referring to an adverse set of circumstances—when negative events enter into a person’s life.

From Fire to Favor

From Fire to Favor

Sometimes God will deliver you from whatever it is that seeks to do you harm. But there are other times when, because He wants to give you a special encounter with Himself, He will not deliver you from it—but He will join you in it. Sometimes He wants you to see that even when you are in the fire, just like the bush Moses encountered, you will not be burned up. Sometimes heaven wants to join you in a bad situation instead of taking you out of it.

Reclaim What You Lost

Reclaim What You Lost

Just as people can steal from us in the physical realm, Satan and his demons can steal from us in the spiritual realm. For many of us, he has stolen our joy. For others, he has stolen their peace. And yet for others, he has stolen their dreams, relationships and dignity.