Calling Kingdom Disciples

Tony Evans

Calling Kingdom Disciples
Tony Evans Sermons
Calling Kingdom Disciples

Matthew 28:16-20

God has created a wonderful process that turns ordinary people into sold-out saints. The Bible calls it "discipleship." And in this lesson, Dr. Tony Evans will begin a new series on that subject, focusing on ways to become a more confident, bold believer.

Waiting on God

Tony Evans

Waiting on God
Tony Evans Sermons
Waiting on God

Psalm 27:13-14

When you order something online, you typically get to choose how fast you want it delivered. Join Dr. Tony Evans as he explains why that isn’t the case when we pray and what the most important thing we can do is when we don’t feel like we’re getting anywhere.

The Detours of Perspective

Tony Evans

The Detours of Perspective
Tony Evans Sermons
The Detours of Perspective

Genesis 50:15-26

Just because two people are looking at the same painting doesn’t mean that they both see the same picture. Dr. Tony Evans says that perspective makes all the difference, and in this lesson, he’ll tell us how the right one can get us through anything.

The Detours of Provision

Tony Evans

The Detours of Provision
Tony Evans Sermons
The Detours of Provision

Genesis 50:15-26

All detours must come to an end, but how can you tell when you’re getting off of the detour and back onto the main highway of your destiny? Tony Evans says the exit of your detour comes when your preparation connects with God’s purpose. In this lesson, learn how to identify your exit in order for you to further pursue God’s purpose for you.

The Detours of Pardon

Tony Evans

The Detours of Pardon
Tony Evans Sermons
The Detours of Pardon

Genesis 50:15-26

God offered each one of us forgiveness long before we asked for it, even though we didn't deserve it. That’s why in this lesson, Dr. Tony Evans explains how failing to follow that example threatens our future by delaying or derailing our destiny.