You Can Make a Difference in Society

You Can Make a Difference in Society

I recall a time when I had some serious ant hills on my front lawn. As these ants served their queen, they built mounds on my lawn, turning a once-green lawn into a place of foreign habitation. They were building their own kingdom on my lawn, so I needed to address their presence. If I didn’t address it swiftly, they would continue to bring destruction.

Exploring the Book of 1 Timothy

Exploring the Book of 1 Timothy

Everybody needs someone to help them navigate through their life. Timothy had the best of mentors in the apostle Paul, who wrote two letters to encourage him in his life and ministry. During his missionary journeys, Paul had left Timothy behind in Ephesus so that he could grow the ministry that Paul had begun there. His first letter to Timothy is full of wisdom and guidance about how to do just that.

Explore the Book of Job

Explore the Book of Job

Our lives can be such a challenge, and we often struggle to make sense of our suffering. Sometimes we feel a little like Job—as though the bottom has dropped out of our life and everything we thought we could depend on has disappeared from view. The book of Job doesn’t provide us with neat and tidy answers about all the suffering we face, but it points to God as the One we can trust when things seem to be falling apart.

Priming the Pump of Blessing

Priming the Pump of Blessing

There was a man who was lost in the desert, and he had no water to quench his thirst. He was tired and exhausted, and his throat was parched. He longed for a cool drink of water. Looking into the distance, he saw an old shack, so with the little strength left within him, he made his way there.

Keep Your Heart Pure

Keep Your Heart Pure

Many people struggle with allergies. Allergies tend to flare up when dust and pollen in the air make it difficult to catch your breath. You can’t breathe properly because of all the stuff in the air. Your nose gets stuffed up, your eyes get runny, and your head feels congested. It isn’t any fun. These symptoms arise because the air you’ve inhaled has been contaminated by allergens.

Exploring 1 Thessalonians with Dr. Tony Evans

Exploring 1 Thessalonians with Dr. Tony Evans

One of the biggest problems in the early days of the church was the preponderance of false teachers, people who were teaching a false version of the gospel and leading many followers of Christ astray. Of course, this hasn’t ceased to be a challenge for the church today. There are many today whose damaging distortions are tempting modern believers with subtle and damaging alterations to the truth.

It’s Who You Know

It’s Who You Know

Back in the mid-1800s, there was a man who had a major need in his life, so he decided to go to the White House and set his problem before Abraham Lincoln, who was then President of the United States. But he soon discovered that it was very difficult to get access to the President, for Lincoln was a very busy man.

Explore the Book of Nehemiah with Dr. Tony Evans

Explore the Book of Nehemiah with Dr. Tony Evans

Nearly everyone, in some area of their life, takes a leadership role. That’s why learning to be a strong leader is important for us all. The book of Nehemiah provides us with one of the clearest biblical examples of what leadership looks like when it is properly dedicated to fulfilling God’s kingdom.

Surrendering to God Brings Power

Surrendering to God Brings Power

The great Hoover Dam produces enough energy for three states: California, Nevada and Arizona. You might think of this dam as an example of power under control. If all the water held back were to be released at once, it would bring disaster to the very areas it was designed to help.

Explore the Book of Colossians with Dr. Tony Evans

Explore the Book of Colossians with Dr. Tony Evans

It is important that we understand the truth if we are going to live in the truth. The church in the city of Colossae was dealing with some of the same issues we struggle with today: deep and dangerous confusion about who Jesus is and the kind of life He calls us to live. The apostle Paul, who was in prison for his testimony about Christ, heard about the many heresies that were circulating among the Colossians and wrote to them so they might understand the real truth about Jesus Christ.

More Than Just an Appetizer

More Than Just an Appetizer

My mom used to tell me and my siblings if we complained about something she was cooking and we didn’t want to eat it, that it was because we just weren’t hungry enough. We would excuse ourselves from the table and head elsewhere in the house only to hear her say, “You’ll be back. When you get hungry enough, it’ll be here.” This is because my mom knew, like many moms know, that hungry people who are truly hungry aren’t that picky. They just need food. And they won’t let their own preferences keep them from pursuing the nutritio...

Explore the Book of Ezra with Tony Evans

Explore the Book of Ezra with Tony Evans

The book of Ezra is about spiritual restoration. It is focused on the restoration of the temple after God’s people returned from their captivity in Babylon. Their persistent disobedience and idolatry had resulted in the destruction of the temple and the enslavement to a foreign nation. But God had made them a kingdom promise—that if they would return to Him, He would bring them back to their own land. As always, God kept His promise.

Read the Owner’s Manual

Read the Owner’s Manual

The other day I got into my car and noticed that the side mirror had collapsed. No matter what I did, I couldn’t get it to work properly. I fiddled with that mirror, pushed that mirror, pulled that mirror, and sought to maneuver that mirror for close to twenty minutes. I knew I couldn’t drive without a mirror to show me the cars behind and beside me, so I kept looking for a solution.

Exploring Philippians with Dr. Tony Evans

Exploring Philippians with Dr. Tony Evans

Philippians is often called “the book of joy.” In this letter, Paul stresses that he wants God’s people to live in the joy of the Lord and His kingdom rather than just reacting to their outward circumstances. For joy consists of internal stability in spite of external struggles. Whatever you might be going through, you can find joy right in the middle of it. And if anyone was qualified to teach on this subject, it was Paul, for this letter was written after he had been imprisoned for preaching the gospel (1:7, 13).

Don’t Miss the Detour

Don’t Miss the Detour

When I’m driving, the last thing I want is to have to take an out-of-the-way detour. When I see the orange signs and arrows, I often get frustrated. I just wanted to get to my destination as quickly as possible, and now I am being inconvenienced.

Explore 1 Chronicles with Tony Evans

Explore 1 Chronicles with Tony Evans

As you read 1 Chronicles, you may respond by saying, “Wait. Haven’t I already read these stories before?” And the answer is, yes you have. The two books of Chronicles cover much of the same territory as the two books of Kings. There is a great deal of overlap when it comes to the stories they each record.

Living the Good News

Living the Good News

Most of us grew up in school having to say the Pledge of Allegiance. It was a daily reminder of our commitment to our country and what an awesome privilege it is to enjoy the freedoms we share. It was a verbal statement of loyalty to the land we love.

Breaking Bread with Jesus

Breaking Bread with Jesus

During His time on earth, Jesus spent more time with His disciples than anyone else. They got to know His voice, thoughts, mannerisms, pet peeves and perhaps even His unique facial expressions. When He was crucified, they were devastated in ways to which few of us can relate.

Explore the Book of Ephesians

Explore the Book of Ephesians

Paul wrote the letter to the church at Ephesus while he was in prison for preaching the gospel. It’s kind of amazing that this book so full of powerful positive messages was penned from a place of confinement. Clearly, nothing could stop Paul from sharing his vision.

Get More Out of Your Prayers

Get More Out of Your Prayers

If there is something in your life that has been controlling you, dominating you or discouraging you, you’re going to need to go deeper in prayer to move it along. There are some things, many things in fact, that only God can handle.

Use Your Faith

Use Your Faith

When God hears your prayers, He isn’t just listening to your words. He’s listening to your heart and your spirit. When what you say verbally doesn’t align with what you believe internally, that inner truth trumps.

It Matters to That One

It Matters to That One

A grandfather and his grandson were walking on the beach, which was littered with starfish that had been washed up earlier that morning. Hundreds and thousands of starfish lay helpless in the sand underneath the scorching sun.

We Have a Shared History

We Have a Shared History

Just over a year before the Liberty Bell rang out, calling all to come hear the Declaration of Independence, a young Paul Revere took his well-known Midnight Ride. Few of us who have been raised under the tutelage of our country are unaware of this ride. Yet how many of us know that on the very same night, a black man, Wentworth Cheswell, the freed grandson of a slave, also rode a Midnight Ride? Cheswell was the first black judge elected, in 1768. He was a devoted husband, church member, father of thirteen children, and for fo...

God’s Kindness Is Our Example

God’s Kindness Is Our Example

We’re living in a time when it’s only about me. What I think. How I feel. What I want. And if I have to harm you with my words or my actions in order to get what I want—well, too bad. We see this attitude on display in the news every day. This kind of evil has penetrated our culture, but it is not a reflection of God’s heart.

He Can Handle the Weight

He Can Handle the Weight

Matthew 11:29 says, “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart ….” To “take” something means you have to reach out to grab it. In New Testament times, the land was full of farmers. He was talking about a harness that connects two farming animals together.

Explore the Book of 2 Samuel

Explore the Book of 2 Samuel

Second Samuel has so much drama and excitement that one can’t help but think it would make a great movie! It picks up where 1 Samuel left off and focuses on the story of King David. As the book opens, the former king, Saul, is dead. Now David, the hero of so many military battles, is crowned as the new king of Israel.

Taking Out the Trash

Taking Out the Trash

Thursday’s my day. I don’t know your home, but Thursday is trash day at the Evans house. So, every Thursday morning, I have the trash out by the curb in plenty of time for them to pick it up. I don’t want to miss them because then I’ll be stuck with smelly, stinky trash for another week. But you know what I have noticed about trash day? I have never had a trashman come to my front door and ring the doorbell, asking me where my trash is. I have never had that happen. If it’s not out there by the curb, they just move on.

Explore the Book of 1 Samuel

Explore the Book of 1 Samuel

First Samuel is our introduction to one of the most important characters in all of Scripture—David, who would become the king of Israel and part of the lineage of Jesus Himself. But the book is actually named after Samuel, the prophet who guided Israel through some tough times. Many Bible scholars believe he is actually the author of most of the book.

From Bitter to Better

From Bitter to Better

The only time you truly know the value and strength of an anchor is during a storm. When the waters are rising around you and you are finding it hard to hold on and stay afloat, that’s when you see God show up.

The Reason for the Season

The Reason for the Season

A mother planned a gathering to mark the birth of her newborn son. She wanted others to share in the joy, so she invited a bunch of friends over to celebrate his arrival. She put up decorations and made special treats for everyone to enjoy. All the time she was putting everything together she was worried about getting everything “just right” for guests. But she need not have worried. The party was a success. As her guests arrived, she welcomed each of them warmly, and they all had a great time with eating, drinking, and rejoic...

Trusting God in the Dark

Trusting God in the Dark

It’s been a challenging year. A global pandemic, racial unrest and misunderstanding, harsh political rhetoric, and a lot of division. Hurricanes, flooding, and fires. And on top of all that, each of us has our own personal struggles to deal with. At times it may feel overwhelming. But you can be confident that God is still in charge and still in control. He loves us and He is there for us in the midst of every challenge we face.

Pizza and Life’s Challenges

Pizza and Life’s Challenges

Being prepared for your calling is like going to a pizzeria. I’m talking about a real pizza place, one where they make the pies on the spot. It all starts with a ball of dough. They roll the dough, pressing and mashing it. Then they start pounding on it. After banging it around for a while, they start throwing it up in the air and twirling it. That dough goes through a whole lot so that you and I can have the pleasure of eating it.

Explore the Book of 2 Corinthians

Explore the Book of 2 Corinthians

Second Corinthians was a follow-up letter to Paul’s earlier letter to the church in that city. It seems that after penning the first letter, Paul made a visit there that proved to be painful (2 Corinthians 2:1). Clearly the church in Corinth had not responded with the changes Paul had urged upon them in 1 Corinthians. Sometimes God’s people need a firm reminder to stay committed to God and His purposes.

Explore the Book of Ruth

Explore the Book of Ruth

Ruth is a small book with a big message. It is personal, prophetic, and filled with theological insight. The book centers on a gentile woman named Ruth, and through all the challenges she faces we see a demonstration of God’s providence, grace, love, and redemption. It’s a story with a happy ending.

God Is the Master Chef

God Is the Master Chef

Have you ever gone to your refrigerator in search of a stick of butter to eat? You felt the hunger gnawing at the inside of your stomach and so you thought, “If I could only get a bite of butter, I would be fine.”

Faith in Action

Faith in Action

Faith isn’t merely feeling like God is telling the truth. Nor is it saying God is telling the truth. For faith to truly be faith, it involves acting like God is telling the truth. That’s why the Bible calls it walking by faith, not talking by faith or even feeling by faith.

High Jumper or Pole Vaulter?

High Jumper or Pole Vaulter?

When I’m exercising on the treadmill, I simultaneously watch the news or other programming on TV. Focusing on the news enables me to endure the weariness of the treadmill. Similarly, focusing on Jesus provides the spiritual enablement to successfully endure the trials and stresses life brings our way. Where you focus your faith matters. Where you focus your faith matters. Faith is only as powerful as the object or being it’s placed in. Put your faith in ...

Distractions and the Kingdom

Distractions and the Kingdom

When the kids were young, we took them to Disneyland. We were there during the peak of vacation season, so the place was packed. And after a while, Lois and I got so caught up in all of the fun and excitement that—I’ll admit it—we let down our guard. We weren’t paying close attention to the kids. And before we knew it, our youngest son, Jonathan, was no longer with us. He had wandered off when we weren’t watching. Now he was nowhere to be seen.

Value What You Have

Value What You Have

A man once robbed a bank in Ottawa, Canada, stealing $6,000. But the interesting part of the story is this: When they arrested him and took him to jail, they discovered he’d used a 1918 Colt revolver to commit that crime. Now, anyone who knows anything about guns already understands the point of this story. This gun was valued at more than $100,000, yet this man robbed a bank for only $6,000. He could have simply sold the gun and walked away with more than ten times what he got in the robbery. But he didn’t sell the gun becaus...

Faith Has the Last Laugh

Faith Has the Last Laugh

You’ve heard the saying He who laughs last laughs best. The last laugh is always the one that remains. In the case of Sarah, the wife of Abraham, she and God shared this laugh together. In fact, the name of her son, Isaac, literally means “laughter.”

Explore the Book of Acts

Explore the Book of Acts

Acts is an exciting book about an exciting time—the earliest days of the church. This companion to the Gospel of Luke tells the story about what happened after Jesus was “taken up” into the heavens (Acts 1:2). In its pages, we see the empowering work of the Holy Spirit, who leads and guides the disciples in proclaiming God’s message.

God is Not a Smorgasbord

God is Not a Smorgasbord

Far too many Christians today want a smorgasbord God. The kind of God where you pick and choose when you want Him and when you don’t want Him. But that’s not the kind of God He is. And the kind of people He is looking to partner with in impacting the world are those who follow Him single-heartedly. He doesn’t want you to just align with Him in private. He is not seeking a silent majority. He wants you and me to go public. He calls each of us to declare our allegiance to Him above all else.

Explore the Book of Deuteronomy

Explore the Book of Deuteronomy

This week we will resume our twice-monthly overviews of the books of the Bible. My prayer is that they will give you an overview of what is in each book and make your reading more interesting and spiritually enriching.

No More Excuses

No More Excuses

It’s time to quit making excuses. Perhaps you didn’t have a good beginning upon which to build. Maybe your parents fought or divorced early on. Maybe you didn’t come from a nice neighborhood or a school system whose funding indicated that they took your future seriously. Maybe you had to raise yourself because your mom worked three jobs. Or maybe you lived in the suburbs, but were abused, neglected or pacified with “stuff”. Maybe you never experienced a loving relationship at home. Whatever the case, where you start ha...

Names Matter. There is Power in the Name of Jesus.

Names Matter. There is Power in the Name of Jesus.

In the Bible, names matter. They have a meaning. Names are never mere nomenclature. People weren’t given names because they sounded nice, or because their parents were naming them after a celebrity, or because their mom suggested it—strongly. Names carried weight and character and were often tied to a person’s destiny. That’s why, throughout Scripture, when God was about to do something new with a person, He would often change the name.

Money Can’t Buy You Love…or Anything Else that Matters

Money Can’t Buy You Love…or Anything Else that Matters

Most people think money is the secret to satisfaction. They think that happiness equates to how much money you’ve got at your disposal. But happiness has nothing to do with money. Money isn’t about to solve your problems. In fact, sometimes our problems escalate as our money increases—not the other way around.

Getting the Answer You Needed

Getting the Answer You Needed

King David was a successful warrior even though he grew up herding sheep, skipping rocks and playing instruments. David didn’t attend military school. But he knew the one in charge, and because of that, he won his battles and his wars (see 1 Chronicles 18:1). A critical aspect of David’s military leadership and victory came through his awareness of and willingness to seek God’s guidance. In all of recorded Scripture, no one went to God more frequently than David. Again and again, he asked to know God’s will and God’s ways. And...

Fearless in the Face of the Storm

Fearless in the Face of the Storm

If you want to awaken your full potential, you have to start on a solid foundation—one based on the Word of God. That involves more than just knowing, studying or memorizing His Word. You must act on it. The power of His promises remains dormant unless activated by your faith through what you do. Your foundation determines your future.

Storm Warning

Storm Warning

The Bible has a lot to say about storms. Sometimes it is talking about literal storms, where the weather is fearsome and seems out of control. More often, though, when the Bible speaks of a storm it is referring to an adverse set of circumstances—when negative events enter into a person’s life.

Explore the Gospel of John

Explore the Gospel of John

The fourth Gospel was written by John, who the Scriptures call “the beloved disciple.” His passionate love for the Savior shows up on every page of this book of the Bible. He had a close relationship with Jesus Christ, and he wanted his readers to become intimate with Jesus as well. To only focus on the coming joy of heaven would be to miss the joy of heaven on earth in a growing, living relationship with Christ today.

Lessons From the Book of Luke

Lessons From the Book of Luke

Tradition tells us that the third Gospel, Luke, was written by a physician. This seems likely when we pay attention to how carefully he tells the story of Jesus. He has done his research well, and he provides lots of interesting little details that the other Gospels don’t mention. His goal was to provide a well-documented account of the life of Jesus Christ.

Grace Will Get You There

Grace Will Get You There

What would you think if you went to buy a car and the salesman said you’d either have to push the car everywhere you went or pay extra for an engine? You’d know something was wrong, because cars come equipped with their own supply of power to get you where you’re going. The engine is part of the purchase price of the car.

Lessons From the Book of Leviticus

Lessons From the Book of Leviticus

Leviticus is one of the most neglected books of the Bible, yet it is among the most powerful. At first glance, it might seem like just a list of rules, of all God’s dos and don’ts. But if you take a closer look, you’ll find it full of rich insights, for this book establishes the guidelines by which God is to be known and worshiped.

From Fire to Favor

From Fire to Favor

Sometimes God will deliver you from whatever it is that seeks to do you harm. But there are other times when, because He wants to give you a special encounter with Himself, He will not deliver you from it—but He will join you in it. Sometimes He wants you to see that even when you are in the fire, just like the bush Moses encountered, you will not be burned up. Sometimes heaven wants to join you in a bad situation instead of taking you out of it.

Genesis: Where It All Began

Genesis: Where It All Began

Here at The Urban Alternative, the foundation of everything we do can be found in the Bible. We base everything upon God’s Word. And one of our goals is to help you deepen your understanding of God’s purposes and His kingdom agenda by offering insights from the Scriptures and by encouraging you to explore His Word for yourself. Therefore, each month we’ll devote one or two of our email devotions to introducing you to read one of the books of the Bible, hoping that you’ll enjoy our video which highlights some of that book’s key...

Lessons From the Book of Genesis

Lessons From the Book of Genesis

Genesis is the book of beginnings. It is critical because it sets the stage for the rest of Scripture. The best way to understand Genesis is through its personalities, beginning with the first couple: Adam and Eve. God gave his dominion covenant to humankind, to rule on his behalf on earth as a reflection of his dominion over all. This set the stage for the fall, when Adam and Eve sinned against God, bringing earth under the temporary control of Satan. But the episode recording the entrance of sin is also embe...

Find Your Freedom through Your Faith

Find Your Freedom through Your Faith

The African impala is a beautiful animal. When I went on a trip with my wife to South Africa several years ago, I got to see one up close and personal. I was overwhelmed by everything about this beautiful creature. One of the things that most impressed me was its ability to jump. It can jump ten feet straight up in the air. And it can jump forward thirty feet at a time. That’s how it moves so fast and avoids predators.

Winning in a “No-Win” Situation

Winning in a “No-Win” Situation

I want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. Though many of us won’t be celebrating in the same way or with all the same people we usually do, we still have many reasons to give thanks. The foremost blessing I’m grateful for this season is the amazing story of redemption we have in Jesus Christ. This year may have felt like one big dilemma, but we can give thanks that we have a hope that supersedes 2020.

From Hopelessness to Hope

From Hopelessness to Hope

It’s easy to stop believing when all hope looks gone. But when hope vanishes is when you ought to look for Jesus more than ever because He could be right beside you. You just can’t see Him. When hopelessness overrides your faith, your eyes become blinded to what is really going on. Some of your greatest answers to some of your greatest problems come during times of your greatest discouragement.

Feeding the Hunger

Feeding the Hunger

Many people come to church Sunday after Sunday to be pacified. They want enough to make them feel like they’ve gotten something, only to discover all week long that they are still hungry. They look for this pacification in a service, song or sermon only to wise up to the hunger still within. Sure, they got something that gave them the impression that it was the real thing, but they soon realize that something else is still missing. They do not sense the nutritional value that they expected to be passed on to them.

Am I Being Transformed?

Am I Being Transformed?

How do you know when you are truly getting to know God and being transformed by Him? As you get to know God, you should experience a life change. Essentially, the proof that you are getting to know God more intimately and personally is that you are transformed both internally and externally. Thus, if you are not changing, you are not getting to know God. Rather, you have adopted a program, plan, thesis or theory instead of a personal pursuit of Him.

Setting Aside Time

Setting Aside Time

How do you feel when you set out to spend some time with someone you care about and they make it a point to say, “See this phone? I’m turning it off so that I can focus entirely on you and on us and on what we are doing right now.” That action no doubt causes you to feel cherished, valued and loved.

How Do I Know God?

How Do I Know God?

There are a variety of ways that people know God. Some people actually don’t know Him at all because they are unconverted and unsaved. But then there are those who know Him casually. They have more of an acquaintance type of relationship with Him. Still other people know God informationally. They can talk about Him fairly regularly and espouse their knowledge of Him. Then there are others who know Him spiritually. They can tell you how it feels when the Holy Spirit moves around or in them.

Biblical Reconciliation

Biblical Reconciliation

Sunday morning is often the most segregated time of the week because we adopted a mindset of tolerance. The goal of reconciliation is not tolerance or “putting up with” another race. Unfortunately, the church remains segregated most of the time because we only gather with other races when we have to. Much of what we call racial reconciliation among Christian circles is nothing more than watered-down sociology, sprinkled with a little bit of Jesus on top so we can call it biblical. But to break down the dividing walls of race w...

Talk Is Cheap

Talk Is Cheap

All houses are built upon foundations that support or hold the weight of everything that is built upon them. Scripture says that righteousness and justice are the foundation of God’s throne. This is where I get my definition of biblical Justice (the equitable and impartial application of the rule of God’s moral law in society).

Justice and the Gospel

Justice and the Gospel

When speaking about justice, some people will claim it’s of secondary importance. Some feel there is a split between sharing the gospel and engaging in the work of biblical justice. Concern for the eternal destination of a person only matters, and problems such as racism, poverty or crime that impact the lives of people are irrelevant. The only way somebody can believe that is when they don’t understand the two-fold nature of the gospel.

Justice and Freedom

Justice and Freedom

Contrary to how some people feel, the aim of Biblical justice is freedom. Freedom can be defined as a release from illegitimate bondage in order to make the choice to exercise responsibility in actualizing and maximizing all that you were created to be. Biblical justice encourages freedom through affirming accountability, equality and responsibility by linking the spiritual to the social realm. That is, freedom and biblical justice must be founded upon spiritual truth from our vertical relationship with God and expressed...

What Is Justice?

What Is Justice?

Life is all about relationships. Most of the time, friction arises in relationships because of misunderstandings. One person sees a situation one way, but the other person sees it another way. Each person can’t figure out why the other person can’t see the situation like they see it, and sometimes these situations become huge arguments. The problem lies in the fact that sometimes we look at situations in different ways because we think differently than other people.

Imago Dei

Imago Dei

All people, no matter what race, share a common origin in Adam. The book of Acts tells us that all people come from the same source. To take it a step further, when we look at the creation of mankind, we also learn that the triune Godhead created us in His image. In theology, we call this imago Dei—referring to the concept that humans are created in God’s image. An image is a mirror or a reflection. This also means that everybody, regardless of their race or ethnicity, has intrinsic value and worth. Dignity is innate....

Investing for Your Eternal Future

Investing for Your Eternal Future

Once you come to realize that all material possessions and earthly things will burn away, it changes your perspective. The world thinks that this earthly life is the sum of our existence and that everything within it is the sum of our reward. Based on that understanding, everything we do on earth matters in a way that has us pursue as much gain, reward and satisfaction as we can because one day, it will all come to an end.

Reclaim What You Lost

Reclaim What You Lost

Just as people can steal from us in the physical realm, Satan and his demons can steal from us in the spiritual realm. For many of us, he has stolen our joy. For others, he has stolen their peace. And yet for others, he has stolen their dreams, relationships and dignity.

Give It All Away

Give It All Away

One of the beautiful bounties and benefits of being a kingdom steward is that the Owner takes ultimate responsibility for His management team. When you insist on acting as an owner rather than as a manager, you will have to take responsibility for the outcomes yourself. Self-ownership creates a major problem in our culture because it places these so-called owners at the mercy of their own control.

Who’s Really the Boss?

Who’s Really the Boss?

For many, going to work can be a real chore. Dealing with unreasonable employers, co-workers, and customers can make having a job an unpleasant experience. On top of that, we live in a fallen world. In light of that, can a person really have a meaningful work experience, filled with joy and satisfaction? The answer to that is a resounding yes. It simply requires having God’s perspective every time we enter the workplace.

God’s Incentive Program

God’s Incentive Program

God wants you to maximize your potential on earth. He seeks to do this by incentivizing what you do. He has laid out incentives for you to aim for during this time of kingdom stewardship. It’s only when you, as a kingdom steward, rightly position yourself in God’s kingdom program through the choices you make that rewards will be made available to you. These make up some of the key abundant life benefits that Jesus offers to His followers (John 10:10).

The Gift of Time

The Gift of Time

Jesus Christ existed before time. He is the Lord over time. Yet out of love for us, He stepped into the limits of time to model for us a life pleasing to God and die for us so that we might be empowered to live such a life.

Israel Audio Mp3s

Please enjoy the downloadable MP3s of Tony Evans’ teachings in Israel. Please note, we cannot guarantee download success if you are using a smartphone or tablet. The best way to download the MP3s is on a computer. If clicking the links does not ...

Remember God’s Goodness

Remember God’s Goodness

In Lamentations 3, Jeremiah was nothing short of depressed. But instead of wallowing in it, he remembered God. When he began to turn his thoughts toward the goodness of God – in spite of the fact that he couldn’t see God’s goodness at the moment – he started to feel differently about the mess he was in. In fact in verse 18 of Lamentation 3, Jeremiah lets us know that he has lost all hope. And yet we see his hope return when he returns his thoughts toward God. We read,

Speak Life

Speak Life

Did you know that Jesus Christ has already secured your victory to overcome anything that Satan throws at you? He has. When you view your life through that lens, it takes the pressure off and frees you to walk confidently in the strength of the One who has already won. It even changes the way you talk. Instead of speaking in uncertainties, you can now talk with authority and hope. You can speak words of life.

Hope Can Take You a Long Way

Hope Can Take You a Long Way

Whenever I counsel someone who is struggling with emotional strongholds, I always want to check their hope-meter because when you have lost your hope, you have lost everything. Simply defined, hope is the belief that my tomorrow will be better than my today. David knew about the power of hope when life looks hopeless.

Lean on God

Lean on God

There is a myth in Christianity that I often hear people say. Maybe you have even said it yourself— “God will not put more on me than I can bear.” Maybe you’ve heard it. Maybe you’ve even said it. Some people even think it’s in the Bible. But let me debunk that myth right now with a look at the life of Paul. In 2 Corinthians, Paul wrote, “For we do not want you to be unaware, brethren, of our affliction… that we were burdened excessively, beyond our strength, so that we despaired even of life” (2 Corinthians 1:8).

How to Share the Gospel

How to Share the Gospel

Most believers know that we need to share the gospel, but is there a practical way to actually start doing it? Yes! Tony Evans talks through a few simple steps to help you learn how to share the gospel effectively.

Let Jesus Flow through You

Let Jesus Flow through You

The word testament means “covenant.” So when you read the New Testament, you are actually reading about the New Covenant. When Jesus was preparing to die on the cross, He shared a final meal with His disciples. It was the Passover meal, but Jesus gave it new significance (Luke 22:14-20). At that meal, He said, “This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood” (v. 20).

Align Your Thoughts under Him

Align Your Thoughts under Him

I love cream in my coffee. I never drink my coffee black. Whenever I pour myself a cup of coffee, I always add the white cream and mix it together. At that point, a union has occurred. I once had black coffee and white cream, but now I have brown coffee. If I take the coffee with me into my office, the cream comes too. If I take the cream with me into my den, the coffee comes too. Nothing can separate these two once they have been joined.

Do Not Forget His Promise

Do Not Forget His Promise

I preach twice on Sundays. A typical service at the church where I pastor runs for two hours, with half of that time given to preaching. That means I preach two one-hour messages each week. I also usually have short meetings with the church leaders before or after church. Plus I enjoy a mid-morning brunch with my wife, our kids and the grandkids.

Start Winning Your Battles

Start Winning Your Battles

In 2 Corinthians 10:4, Paul says our spiritual weapons can destroy Satan’s fortresses. Weapons such as prayer, reading the Word, obedience, meditation on Scripture, fasting and service can blow up the devil’s strongholds. And that’s what we must do. These fortresses don’t need to be remodeled. God doesn’t tell us to capture them, change the locks and use them for Him. Satan’s fortresses must be torn down.

Walk in the Peace of God

Walk in the Peace of God

Believers are in a constant spiritual battle, so how can we know which direction on the battlefield to turn next? Dr. Evans explains God’s compass for our lives as he reveals the secret to walking in peace.

You Are Not Alone

You Are Not Alone

There is an old proverb of unknown origin that speaks of a man who has fallen into a hole and sees no way out. He hollers for help. Eventually, a rugged man walks by, and upon hearing the man’s plea and seeing his predicament, tells the man that he needs to pick himself up by the bootstraps and find a way out on his own, before going on his way.

Hope Does Not Disappoint

Hope Does Not Disappoint

Personal development is not an event. Neither is it a one-size-fits-all experience. Development takes time, tests, failure and overcoming. God knows each one of us individually. He knows what we each need in order to develop and strengthen our spiritual muscles and sharpen our spiritual insight and wisdom. More often than not, this requires detours in life to allow us the opportunity to learn, grow and develop.

Join the Fight

Join the Fight

In the blockbuster film Inception, the main characters discovered a way to enter into another realm—the realm of dreams. While the dreams appeared to be as vivid and as authentic as the real world where they were currently sleeping, the dream realm was not their reality.

Stop the Comparisons

Stop the Comparisons

On several of my shirts, I have my initials sewn onto the cuff—A.T.E. There will never be a question about whose shirts those are because my initials demonstrate that they are my shirts. I do this on the shirts that I have personally customized for me.

Embrace the Unusual

Embrace the Unusual

Comebacks are God’s specialty. He loves turning around impossible circumstances. Joseph was taken from prison to the palace, and Christ was taken from the grave to resurrected glory. Our God relishes the chance to make the impossible possible.

God is the Greater Force

God is the Greater Force

Most of us know what it feels like to be alone in the dark. If you ever had to take the trash out late at night or found yourself stranded alongside the road at night, then you understand—your mind can create hidden shadows or images. Before you know it, the hair on the back of your neck begins to rise.

Do Not Worry!

Do Not Worry!

There are struggles in life that can become emotional strongholds – things that hold you hostage and keep you from wholeheartedly serving and trusting God and experiencing the abundant life He has promised. One of the most damaging strongholds is worry. It is available for every age and is an obstacle to moving forward. When it is a stronghold in your life, it is a way of life.

God Is Up To Something Great With You!

God Is Up To Something Great With You!

In Luke 5:1-11, we read about a time when Jesus had just finished preaching a sermon from the wooden pulpit of a borrowed boat. Because the crowd was so large, He had taught them from a distance. “He got into one of the boats,” we read, “which was Simon’s, and asked him to put out a little way from the land. And He sat down and began teaching” (Luke 5:3).

Experiencing Jesus in a Storm

Experiencing Jesus in a Storm

In the book of Mark, chapter six, we read that the disciples got into a boat, at night, and took out across the sea. In their obedience to Jesus, the disciples ran directly into a storm. Their obedience literally took them into the nucleus of a disaster.

Experiencing God in a Trial

Experiencing God in a Trial

Have you ever gotten mail in your mailbox that isn’t addressed to you? You take it out of your mailbox and read that the address doesn’t have your name on it. It just says, “Occupant.” You get that piece of mail by virtue of you being the “occupant” of that home. Trials are a lot like that. Just by virtue of being an “occupant” on this planet in a fallen world, we will face trials.

Adjusting Our Decisions Under Jesus’ Rule

Adjusting Our Decisions Under Jesus’ Rule

As Jesus’ disciples, we are to sit under His rule and use it to govern and manage the spheres of influence He’s bestowed on us here on earth. The problem is that many of us don’t mind ascribing rule and authority to Jesus when we agree with Him. We just don’t want to do that when we disagree. We want Jesus to have the final say over the decisions we like or the rules that make us feel comfortable. But that’s not how kings rule. The concept of rulership is not that the king adjusts to the subject. No, the subject must adjust to...

Submitting to Jesus as our King

Submitting to Jesus as our King

When we speak of Jesus, one of the names we aren’t so quick to call Him by in today’s culture—although it was hugely attributed to Him throughout all Scripture—is King. We recognize Him as Savior. We see that He is the living Lamb. We sing about Him as Immanuel. We tend to portray or visualize Jesus primarily in redemptive roles. And while these roles are key, I am afraid that in focusing so heavily on them, we miss out on much of Jesus’ power in our daily lives. This power shows up in the names we get to know and align oursel...

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

A great biblical illustration of the need for keeping your eyes on Jesus in the midst of life’s difficulties is found in Matthew 14:22-31. In this passage, we read about the time when a great storm hit the sea, and yet Jesus walked to His disciples on the rough water. Jesus had sent them out into the bad weather. The problem was the storm. But when Jesus came to the disciples, He walked on top of the very problem itself. Without getting rid of the storm, He overcame it. He overpowered it.

Focus on Jesus – The Alpha and Omega

Focus on Jesus – The Alpha and Omega

What can a person accomplish who discovers the secret of aligning their lives under Jesus’ truth? This person can finish the race and fulfill the calling God has created them to live out. Hebrews 12:1-3 explains this:

Jesus, God With Us

Jesus, God With Us

Jesus is God with us in every way. If you want to get to know the names of Jesus, just get to know the names of God, because Jesus is the fulfillment of every name of God. And He has come as Immanuel, “God with us,” in order to reveal God to us. Should you ever become confused about who God is and what He is like, all you have to do is remember Immanuel.

Prime the Pump

Prime the Pump

One day, a man was lost in a desert without water, but he saw an old makeshift structure. He knew he couldn’t make it much longer, so he got to the covering as fast as his worn-out legs could carry him. To his surprise, inside he found a jar of pure looking water. This jar was on the floor next to a pump.

Stewarding God’s Provisions

Stewarding God’s Provisions

Imagine with me for a moment that you are standing in a candy store with two of your kids. If you don’t have kids, imagine that you do for the sake of this illustration. You are standing in one of those big candy stores with rows upon rows and bins upon bins containing all kinds of assortments of mouth-watering tasty treasures. Both of your kids want some candy, but to simplify things, you fill up one large bag with some of their favorites and then hand it to your oldest. You make sure to let him know that he needs to share it...

How to Internalize Integrity

How to Internalize Integrity

Living a life of integrity includes all areas of your life. Your public integrity is what other people see in the workplace or in your home and church. Your private integrity exists between you and God—that involves those things you allow yourself to do when no one else will find out. Keeping your integrity levels high is God’s standard for you as a follower of Christ. Blessings will come as a result of your personal integrity, just like Daniel experienced protection from the lions when thrown into the den. Let me give you fiv...

3 Keys to Positive Impact

3 Keys to Positive Impact

Nehemiah brought about tremendous influence and impact for his entire nation. His life modeled what it means to be a kingdom-minded person living under God’s rule. We can increase our positive impact when we seek to apply the following three spiritual principles from Nehemiah’s life. He was a person of faith, justice and perseverance.

Go Get It!

Go Get It!

God has given each of us over 5,000 promises in Scripture. But He’s not going to force anyone to live in the victory of His fulfilled promises. You have to go get them. Like Joshua who had been promised that He would be given any piece of land where his foot walked (Joshua 1:3), he had to go get it. He couldn’t stand where he was and simply claim victory over all of his enemies. There are four key principles to going and getting the promises God has made. Let’s look at them briefly here.

Three Steps to Living as a Winner

Three Steps to Living as a Winner

Every Thanksgiving, my family and I take part in what is known as the Turkey Trot. This 5k run/walk brings thousands of people together with the goal of raising funds for the Dallas YMCA. In this race, finishing is winning because all proceeds go to a good cause. But not so for most races. Most races award a first-place finisher with a medal, trophy, jacket or any other statement of victory. To come in fifth, tenth or one-hundredth is not the goal. Athletes train and compete in order to come in first.

Remodeling Your Life

Remodeling Your Life

A number of years ago, our kitchen was remodeled. The remodeler came in and showed us some great plans. He showed us pictures of what the new cabinets would look like, samples of our options for wallpaper, and color cards with choices for paint. It was a glorious sight to see what our new kitchen was going to look like on paper. In fact, there was so much excitement and anticipation about the new kitchen, we forgot about the process.

Climbing Which Ladder of Success

Climbing Which Ladder of Success

A friend was driving through Dallas not too long ago when he made a turn around the corner of a fairly busy tollway only to discover a ladder lying in the middle of the road. He quickly swerved to miss it and then called to inform the authorities so that they could get the ladder removed. It must have fallen off of a construction truck of some sort. Thankfully no one was hurt. Ladders in the middle of busy tollways could prove disastrous.

Fasting From Fretting

Fasting From Fretting

Every January at the church where I pastor we hold what is called a “Solemn Assembly.” This is one dedicated week where we come together as a congregation to fast, pray and commit our lives and our year to the Lord. There are no rules given for what a person can fast from. We simply ask that something be chosen between the person and the Lord, and that for one week, a fast occurs.

God Is In Control

God Is In Control

Everything you and I have, or possess, has been given to us as a direct result of God choosing to do so. There is nothing that you have received that was not either created by God or created by things that God created. God produces each and every single thing. Because He does, He claims sovereignty over it all as well. He controls it. He is the consummate, penultimate, micro-manager. He is intricately, intimately involved in every single detail. He manages the universe and all of us in it to the...

Wait for God’s Perfect Timing

Wait for God’s Perfect Timing

Do you feel like you're stuck in a period where you are constantly waiting for God to move? Tony Evans wants you to remember that God's timing is the opportune time. Choose to trust God's timing as you remain faithful where you are.

Letting Go Of Control

Letting Go Of Control

Sometimes it seems as if our culture is obsessed with control. We control the temperatures in our home to the very degree, and now many of us can even do that from our smartphones. We control our schedules while using daily planners or apps. We even control our time with God, giving Him five minutes in the morning or fifteen minutes at lunch. We seek to control our health, environment and even, at times, those around us.

When Will Things Get Better?

When Will Things Get Better?

Have you ever wondered why you are where you are and when things are going to change? That’s a question we all face at some point in our lives. If you haven’t asked it just yet, wait. I have a feeling you might.

God Can Re-write Your Story

God Can Re-write Your Story

Have you found yourself wishing for a fairy tale ending to your story? God is in the re-writing business. Discover the pathway that will take you toward the place God has in store for you.

Small Choices/Big Impact

Small Choices/Big Impact

D.L. Moody penned these words in his Bible next to the verse Isaiah 6:8. It says, “I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do, and what I ought to do, by the grace of God I will do.”

If I Perish

If I Perish

“Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, “Do not imagine that you in the king’s palace can escape any more than all the Jews. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for s...

For Such a Time as This

For Such a Time as This

“Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, “Do not imagine that you in the king’s palace can escape any more than all the Jews. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for s...

Your Purpose is in His Hands

Your Purpose is in His Hands

The Westminster Shorter Catechism begins by addressing a foundational need in all of us, and that is to identify why we are here. The question is given: What is the chief end of man? The answer: Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever. How do you glorify God? One way is by fulfilling His intended purpose for your life.

When You Are IN The Valley

When You Are IN The Valley

Most of us know what it feels like to be alone in the dark. If you ever had to take the trash out late at night or found yourself stranded alongside a road at night, then you understand – your mind can create hidden shadows or images. Before you know it, the hair on the back of your neck begins to rise.

When Things Don’t Get Better

When Things Don’t Get Better

The story of Hannah is one that many of us can relate to. We’re in a difficult situation, yet, despite our persistent prayers, it doesn’t get better. Hannah was one of two wives of Elkanah and couldn’t conceive children, but Peninnah, the other wife, could. In biblical culture, bearing children for a woman was critical because they would be the ones to care for you. So not only did Hannah bear her own internal shame and pain, but Peninnah “would provoke her bitterly to irritate her.” (1 Samuel 1...

Are You a People-Pleaser?

Are You a People-Pleaser?

America is currently having a problem with identity theft. The advancement of technology and our shift to buying and selling things online has added to this crisis. People who steal other’s identities will use their credit score and bank accounts to live a life that is not truly reflective of them, but rather of someone else.

Make a Worry Box

Make a Worry Box

There are two days you should never spend a lot of time thinking about – yesterday and tomorrow. Many of us are crucified with two thieves. On the right is yesterday, and on the left is tomorrow. He doesn’t want us worrying about the past, and He certainly doesn’t want us worrying about tomorrow. He says, “So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:34)

Worrying Is Pointless

Worrying Is Pointless

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

No Worries

No Worries

There are struggles in life that can become emotional strongholds – things that hold you hostage and keep you from wholeheartedly serving and trusting God and experiencing the abundant life He has promised. One of the most damaging strongholds is worry. It is available for every age and is an obstacle to moving forward. When it is a stronghold in your life, it is a way of life.

How Smart Is Your Smartphone After All?

How Smart Is Your Smartphone After All?

One of the reasons that we don’t recognize the goodness of God is that we confuse the means of delivery with the source. Many times we think that unless a blessing falls miraculously from heaven into our laps that it didn’t come from God. We mix up medium and source.

He Comes in Your Hour of Need

He Comes in Your Hour of Need

A hurricane had rolled into town, bringing with it horrific winds and damaging rainfall. Those who had not evacuated huddled together behind boarded up windows and walls. Some even went to a nearby church seeking to escape the wind’s wrath in the sturdy structure.

A Book You Can Rely On

A Book You Can Rely On

Skeptics aren’t the only ones who raise questions about the Bible. Even Christians might ask: How can believers claim that the Bible is true compared with any other book used as a foundation for religion? What makes Scripture stand out from other pieces of writing that claim they also came from God?

Win the Spiritual Battle in Your Mind

Win the Spiritual Battle in Your Mind

When the Bible talks about the Helmet of Salvation, it’s talking about controlling our thoughts. To win the spiritual battle that is happening in our minds, we must be thinking thoughts that have been renewed by God’s word. God wants us to dismantle every thought that goes against the rule of Christ in our lives. What God says about something must ultimately hold more weight in our minds than what the devil, our friends, our family, or anyone else says about it.

Following a Perfect Example

Following a Perfect Example

One day a pastor walked with a soap manufacturer down the busy streets of New York. Noticing all the advertisements, stores, and clothing promoting a life of ungodliness, the soap manufacturer remarked to the pastor, “The gospel you preach hasn’t done much good, has it? Look. There’s a lot of filth in this world.”

A Spiritual Attack on Your Heart

A Spiritual Attack on Your Heart

The reason the devil wants to attack your heart is because, if he can get to it, he can effect the rest of your life as well. Out of the heart flow the issues of life, and that’s why Dr. Evans reminds us to guard our hearts. The breastplate is a piece of armor that would protect a soldier’s heart in battle, and the breastplate of righteousness is critical to protecting believers’ hearts today.

A Spiritual Battle of Truth vs Lies

A Spiritual Battle of Truth vs Lies

Jesus said that the truth would set us free, but how can it set us free if we are not actively engaged in that truth? If we want to experience spiritual victory, we must be willing to operate based on God’s views. Discovering His absolute truth starts with a willingness to first seek Him for a revelation of that truth. Whatever is coming against you today, determine to find out what God says about the situation you are facing. When you act based on His perspective, you will start seeing the supernatural victory you’ve ...

You’re Always Welcome Home

You’re Always Welcome Home

One of the worst sins of all is to apostatize—to publicly and vehemently deny the faith. It doesn’t get much worse than that. When you look at all the things God has done for us, in our salvation, in our provision, in our protection to deny our association with Him or to marginalize Him is the ultimate insult.

Getting Real with God

Getting Real with God

Nobody likes a trickster. Nobody likes a conniver. Nobody likes it when someone is running a game on them. We’ve all been affected by that, or maybe we’ve even affected people that way.

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ

Jesus came to earth to do the Father’s will, but He also came to represent God so that we would know what it is like to have God with us. In Colossians, we read, “He (Jesus) is the image of the invisible God ….” Colossians 1:15 In Hebrews, “And He (Jesus) is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature ….” Hebrews 1:3 And in John, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God …. And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us …. No ...

Jesus Christ

Jesus came to earth to do the Father’s will, but He also came to represent God so that we would know what it is like to have God with us. In Colossians, we read,

Your Race Isn’t Over

Your Race Isn’t Over

Sometimes our mistakes and sins can become a lifestyle. We develop bad habits and wrong choices as a way of life. You might look back and say, “Wow, how could I have done that for that long? How could I have gotten trapped in that addiction or that scenario or that bad relationship?”

Keep Your Umbrella Open

Keep Your Umbrella Open

We all have umbrellas, which are coverings designed for us to walk under them so that when it rains, it won’t rain on us. Grace is not only something that happens when you are converted, it is a lifestyle you are to operate under. You are not only saved by grace, you are to maneuver under the covering that God provides: the magnificent grace of God.

Making the Right Moves

Making the Right Moves

Once I was given a checkers set. On each checker there was a crown. That’s because each checker was created to become a king. Each checker was created to be crowned. Every checker won’t become a king; it all depends on the moves they make. But each checker was created to reign. If you’ve trusted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, you have a crown on your head. You are created to rule. The Bible says that the grace of God gives us the ability to reign. When Jesus died on the cross, He...

The Overriding Law of Grace

The Overriding Law of Grace

Did you know that grace gives you the ability to either override or to work through adverse circumstances in your life? We all face things that seem difficult to overcome: problems, pain, frustrations, people. Sometimes, it looks like we are being overridden by that which appears to be out of our control. What grace does is it comes alongside of us either to override something or to take us through something that seems to be overwhelming. You take the law of gravity which holds us down, and you ...

Grace is a Freedom Fighter

Grace is a Freedom Fighter

Freedom is an awesome thing. The one great thing about our nation is that it was established to promote freedom. Freedom is release from illegitimate bondage—something that has no right to hold you hostage. Did you know that the good news about grace is that it offers freedom? Freedom from our attempts to make our own selves acceptable to God. Freedom from our flesh to control us anymore. It is liberation from something or someone that wants to make you a slave. We’ve all known what it is to be ...

Being Saved from Drowning

Being Saved from Drowning

When I was a water safety instructor, I trained lifeguards. You’re a lifeguard first, then you become a water safety instructor. Christians are involved in saving people’s lives. People who are drowning. People who are going under. That’s kind of what sin does; it causes us to drown. It takes us under. We’ve all been infected and affected by our own sins and by the sins of others. But the good news of God’s grace is that it is in the saving business. When I was saving someone or training lifegua...

Better Than a Birthday Gift

Better Than a Birthday Gift

We all like things that come to us for free. We don’t have to pay for it—like a birthday present. When you think about the word “grace,” think about a gift. It is God’s gift to the human race. Grace is God’s unmerited favor, or to put it more comprehensively, grace is the inexhaustible supply of God’s goodness giving to us what do not deserve, what we could never earn, and would never be able to repay. The wonderful thing about grace is that it’s free. Because this gift is so available and so aw...

Here Comes Your Second Chance

Here Comes Your Second Chance

If you’re like me, you have areas of regret in your life—areas where you know that if you could go back and do it over again, you would. Such is the case of Moses. He made a miscalculation when he killed an Egyptian, and it came with a price tag because sin brings consequences. But the beautiful thing is that doesn’t have to be the last word in your life, my life or the lives of the people we love and care about. God has a way of hitting a bullseye with a crooked stick.